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Dijon is a city in eastern :France, capital of the Côte-d'Or département and of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region.The earliest archaeological finds within the city limits of Dijon date to the Neolithic period. Dijon later became a Roman settlement named Divio, located on the road from Lyon to Paris. The province was home to the Dukes of Burgundy from the early 11th until the late 15th centuries and Dijon was a place of tremendous wealth and power, one of the great European centres of art, learning and science. Lire plus

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Dijon Score de popularité:
7 / 10
  Cette valeur est basée sur le nombre de visiteurs, «checkins» et «likes» sur Facebook dans les derniers mois
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Dijon à un nombre total de 5257 visiteurs (checkins) et 534 likes.